e-ISSN: 2602-3199
Founded: 2017
Publisher: ISRES Publishing
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The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM) is a reviewed scholarly online international journal. The manuscripts which are accepted for publication in the EPSTEM are invited from the conferences. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM) welcomes any research papers on technology, engineering and basic sciences using techniques from and applications in any technical knowledge domain: original theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, and review articles. The articles should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the EPSTEM. The full paper versions of the conference papers are published in the EPSTEMThe EPSTEM is published in August, September, October, November and December. The full paper versions of the conference papers are published in the EPSTEM.

The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM) is indexed or abstracted in Scopus, Google ScholarScientific Indexing Services, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, ASOS index.

2024 - Volume: 32

Conference Paper

2. Electrical Innovations in Electrocoagulation: Designing and Testing Prototypes for Sustainable Water Treatment

Conference Paper

3. Computer Modeling and Study of the Influence of Pre-Heat Treatment and Radial-Shear Rolling on the Evolution of the Structure of 5KHV2S Steel

Conference Paper

4. OCDMA Based Satellite to Underwater VLC Transmissions for Oceanic Monitoring

Conference Paper

5. Development and Characterization of Stabilized Earth Blocks Based on Recycled Sediment and Lightweight Aggregates

Conference Paper

6. ANSYS Creep Modeling in a Beam with a 45° of Opening Crack

Conference Paper

7. Comparative Analysis of Three Converters Providing Power to a Discharge Lamp-electronic Ballast System Designed for Water Sterilization

Conference Paper

8. Effect of Preliminary Nitric Chemical Treatment on Corrosion Behavior of 316 Stainless Steel in Chloride Solution Contain Glucose

Conference Paper

9. Effect of Crystallite Size on Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured FeAlTiBZr Alloy

Conference Paper

10. The Effect of Rehabilitation on the Vulnerability Evolution of an RC Water Tank throughout Its Lifecycle

Conference Paper

11. Enhancing Analysis of Cross-Ply Laminated Composite Plates: A Simplified Approach for Flexural and Stability Evaluation

Conference Paper

12. Research of Combined Copper Processing Technology Including Heat Treatment and Radial-Shear Rolling

Conference Paper

13. Micro-Jet Control of Flow in NACA 4412 Wing

Conference Paper

15. Comprehensive Investigation of Structural, Electronic and Optical Properties of KBaP Using Density Functional Theory

Conference Paper

16. Transfer Function Method for EMC High-Frequency Modeling of Electrical Machines

Conference Paper

17. Studying the Microstructure Evolution by Various Methods in the Development of New Combined Deformation Processes

Conference Paper

18. Performance Evaluation of Radio Fingerprinting Localization

Conference Paper

19. Evaluating Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) as a Superior Alternative to Titanium in Middle Ear Implants: A Finite Element Modeling Study

Conference Paper

20. Tailored Support for Weight Loss: A Personalized Smartphone Application for Weight Loss

Conference Paper

21. Numerical Damage Prediction of Marine Structures Reinforced by Composite Patch with XFEM and CZM Methods

Conference Paper

24. Machine Learning Approaches for Bank Customer Churn Analysis

Conference Paper

27. Comparative Analysis of RTK and Net-RTK Accuracy in UAV-Based Photogrammetry

Conference Paper

28. Mechanical Auto Booting on Production Lines

Conference Paper

29. Green Supplier Selection with CoCoFISo-G

Conference Paper

31. Prediction of Constituents of Concrete Mixtures Containing Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slag Using Machine Learning Techniques

Conference Paper

32. A Numerical Approach to Predict the Flexural Response of Simply Supported Nonhomogeneous and Non-Slender Graded Beams

Conference Paper

34. Significant Improvement in License Plate Recognition through Image Deduplication

Conference Paper

35. Tackling FSO-WDM System Challenges with Artificial Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Analysis

Conference Paper

36. Parallel Machine Scheduling with Re-entrant Jobs with Consideration of Set up Times

Conference Paper

37. Generalized Predictive Control of Multi-Phase Induction Machine Supplied by Multi-Level Inverter

Conference Paper

38. Performance Evaluation of a Self-Compacting Mortar Altered with Dune Sand

Conference Paper

39. Automation of IMEI Label Attachment Process in Mobile Device Production

Conference Paper

42. Removal of Carcinogenic Direct Azo Dyes from Aqueous Solution Using a Functional Biopolymer

Conference Paper

43. Impact Assessment of Structural and Non-Structural Components on the Vulnerability Level of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

Conference Paper

44. Thermal Agitation Study on a 90° Surface of the Radius of Curvation of an Elbow

Conference Paper

45. Experimental Study of Acoustical Properties of Recycled Rubber Panels

Conference Paper

47. Magnetic Behavior and Structural Properties of Fe10Al40(ZnO)50 and Fe10Al50(ZnO)40 Nanocomposites

Conference Paper

48. Phases Unlocked: The Crucial Role of Qubit Phases in Quantum Computing

Conference Paper

49. Development and Characterization of a Biodegradable Composite Based on PLA Matrix and Date Kernels Powder

Conference Paper

50. Numerical Study of Tungsten Cathode Characteristics During TIG Welding

Conference Paper

51. Autopilot and Operator Assistance Systems for Wheel Loaders

Conference Paper

52. Design and Numerical Investigation of Highly Photovoltaic Efficiency of Novel Non-Toxic Double Perovskite Solar Cell with Igzo as Electron Transport Layer

Conference Paper

53. Beyond One-Sided Solar Unlocking Efficiency and Space with Bifacial Photovoltaic Systems

Conference Paper

54. Effect of Porosity on the Nonlinear Thermal Stability of Functionally Graded Material Beams under Various Boundary Conditions

Conference Paper

55. Study of the Mechanical Properties and the Durability of Concrete Based on Recycled Wastes Aggregates

Conference Paper

56. Assessment of Fatigue and Corrosion Effects on Coating from the SMAW Process

Conference Paper

57. Magnetic Control of Phase Evolution in Titanium-Based Alloys Synthesized by Ball Milling

Conference Paper

59. Spectrum Estimation of Spatial Velocity Component Pulsations

Conference Paper

60. The Effect of Recovery Fibers and the Sand/Gravel Ratio on the Direct Tensile Behavior of Concrete

Conference Paper

61. Investigation of the Effect of Combined Thermomechanical Processing on the Microstructure Evolution of CuZn23Mn7Fe4 Brass

Conference Paper

62. Aspects of Influencing Factors in the Polishing of Plastic Optical Fibers

Conference Paper

63. Temperature Effect on the Creep Behavior of the Upstream Bituminous Concrete Masks of the Bouhnifia Dam

Conference Paper

64. Clay Mineralogy of the Khabour and Akkas Formations, Akkas Field, Western Iraq: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Paleoclimatic Conditions

Image Presentation

66. The Effect of High Temperatures on the Compression and Flexural Characteristics of Recycled Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Conference Paper

67. Load Insertion Influence on the Hysteresis Loop of a Single-Phase Transformer under Transients

Conference Paper

69. Numerical Computation of Turbulent Flow in a Square-Sectioned 90° Bend Using Open Foam

Conference Paper

70. Multi-Beat Digital Stethoscope

Conference Paper

71. A Novel Approach to Visible Light Communication: Combining OFDM and SrLa2Al2O7:Er³⁺ LED